Content for first tab goes here.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2016, 2018
This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
<div data-tabs class="bx--tabs">
<div class="bx--tabs-trigger" tabindex="0">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="bx--tabs-trigger-text" tabindex="-1"></a>
<svg focusable="false" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" style="will-change: transform;" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 11L3 6 3.7 5.3 8 9.6 12.3 5.3 13 6z"></path></svg>
<ul class="bx--tabs__nav bx--tabs__nav--hidden" role="tablist">
class="bx--tabs__nav-item bx--tabs__nav-item--selected "
data-target=".tab-1-default" role="tab" aria-selected="true" >
<a tabindex="0" id="tab-link-1-default" class="bx--tabs__nav-link" href="javascript:void(0)" role="tab"
aria-controls="tab-panel-1-default">Tab label 1</a>
class="bx--tabs__nav-item "
data-target=".tab-2-default" role="tab" >
<a tabindex="0" id="tab-link-2-default" class="bx--tabs__nav-link" href="javascript:void(0)" role="tab"
aria-controls="tab-panel-2-default">Tab label 2</a>
class="bx--tabs__nav-item "
data-target=".tab-3-default" role="tab" >
<a tabindex="0" id="tab-link-3-default" class="bx--tabs__nav-link" href="javascript:void(0)" role="tab"
aria-controls="tab-panel-3-default">Tab label 3</a>
class="bx--tabs__nav-item bx--tabs__nav-item--disabled "
data-target=".tab-4-default" role="tab"
aria-disabled="true" >
<a tabindex="0" id="tab-link-4-default" class="bx--tabs__nav-link" href="javascript:void(0)" role="tab"
aria-controls="tab-panel-4-default">Tab label 4</a>
<!-- The markup below is for demonstration purposes only -->
<div class="bx--tab-content">
<div id="tab-panel-1-default" class="tab-1-default" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-link-1-default"
aria-hidden="false" >
<div>Content for first tab goes here.</div>
<div id="tab-panel-2-default" class="tab-2-default" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-link-2-default"
aria-hidden="true" hidden>
<div>Content for second tab goes here.</div>
<div id="tab-panel-3-default" class="tab-3-default" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-link-3-default"
aria-hidden="true" hidden>
<div>Content for third tab goes here.</div>
<div id="tab-panel-4-default" class="tab-4-default" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-link-4-default"
aria-hidden="true" hidden>
<div>Content for fourth tab goes here.</div>
Modifiers are used with various classes for Tabs.
Name | Description |
.bx--tabs__nav--hidden |
Applies specific styles to hide the narrow tab menu options |
.bx--tabs__nav-item--selected |
Applies specific styles to the currently selected tab item |
.bx--tabs--light |
Selector for applying light dropdown styles when tabs are in mobile view |
Getting component class reference
import { Tab } from 'carbon-components';
With pre-build bundle (carbon-components.min.js
var Tab = CarbonComponents.Tab;
// `#my-tabs` is an element with `[data-tabs]` attribute
Public Methods
Name | Params | Description |
setActive |
item : HTMLElement , callback : Function |
Uses data-target attribute to show a content panel using the given CSS selector. Non-active targets will be hidden. You can also pass in an optional callback function, see FAQ in Content Switcher for details |
release |
Deletes the instance and removes document event listeners |
Example - Changing the active item
// `#my-tabs` is an element with `[data-tabs]` attribute
var tabsInstance = Tabs.create(document.getElementById('my-tabs'));
// `#my-tab-item-1` is one of the `<li>`s with `bx--tabs__nav-item` class
Option | Default Selector | Description |
selectorInit |
[data-tabs] |
The CSS selector to find tab containers |
selectorMenu |
.bx--tabs__nav |
The CSS selector to find the drop down menu used in narrow mode |
selectorTrigger |
.bx--tabs-trigger |
The CSS selector to find the button to open the drop down menu used in narrow mode |
selectorTriggerText |
.bx--tabs-trigger-text |
The CSS selector to find the element used in narrow mode showing the selected tab item |
selectorButton |
.bx--tabs__nav-item |
The CSS selector to find tab containers |
selectorButtonEnabled |
.bx--tabs__nav-item:not(.bx--tabs__nav-item--disabled) |
The CSS selector to find tab containers that are not disabled |
selectorButtonSelected |
.bx--tabs__nav-item--selected |
The CSS selector to find the selected tab |
selectorLink |
.bx--tabs__nav-link |
The CSS selector to find the links in tabs |
classActive |
bx--tabs__nav-item--selected |
The CSS class for tab's selected state |
classHidden |
bx--tabs__nav--hidden |
The CSS class for the drop down menu's hidden state used in narrow mode |
classOpen |
bx--tabs-trigger--open |
The CSS class for the drop down menu motion on open and close |
eventBeforeSelected |
tab-beingselected |
The name of the custom event fired before a tab is selected |
eventAfterSelected |
tab-selected |
The name of the custom event fired after a tab is selected |
Event Name | Description |
tab-beingselected |
The name of the custom event fired before a tab is selected. Cancellation of this event stops selection of tab. |
tab-selected |
The name of the custom event fired after a tab is selected |
Example - Preventing a tab from being selected in a certain condition
document.addEventListener('tab-beingselected', function(evt) {
if (!myApplication.shouldTabItemBeSelected( {
Example - Notifying events of all tab items being selected to an analytics library
document.addEventListener('tab-selected', function(evt) {
action: 'Tab selected',